Kanto-Chubu Region
a) An M4.9 earthquake occurred on 26 March in northern Ibaraki Pref. (maximum intensity: 4).
b) An M6.2 earthquake occurred on 2 March near the trench axis offshore of eastern Kanto.
c) Clustered seismic activity (maximum intensity: 5 lower), the largest an M4.7, occurred on 14 March in the vicinity of Kozushima Island [Offshore South of Izu Peninsula]. On 28 March, southwest of this activity, there was clustered seismic activity, the largest being an M5.0 (maximum intensity: 4).
d) The seismic activity in central Mie Pref. has continued. The largest event in this activity was an M3.7 on 1 March.
Note: Within square brackets ([ ]) is the epicenter place name used by the Meteorological Agency in its information releases.
Japan Meteorological Agency,Science and Technology Agency